Monday, February 25, 2013

NC Egg Safety Training for Small Producers

Date: March 20, 2013
Location: Poultry Teaching Unit, 2801 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC
Registration Fee: $50 (Registration covers printed class materials, Biosecurity garments for hands on training and lunch)
The program is designed to instruct small producers selling eggs through Farmers Markets, Cooperatives, and CSAs. The training will be aimed to provide instruction to these producers to improve their understanding of egg safety. Training will be provided on principles of egg safety plans, monitoring, testing methods currently used, and what consumers are expecting, so that they can improve the safety and quality of the eggs. By attending they will have an understanding of the strategies they need to implement to improve the safety of the shell eggs they produce.
  • Registration
  • Introductions
  • What is Egg Safety and Quality, and what is expected by customers
  •  Egg Safety Components
    • Egg Handling
    •  Egg Washing
    • Refrigeration
    • Production Environment
    • Insect and Rodent Control
  • Packaging And Labeling
  • Monitoring of an Egg Safety Program
  • Testing to show your program works
    • NCDA&CS Services
      • Flock Health
      • Testing Laboratory
  • NC Egg Laws

Monday, February 4, 2013

Upcoming Regional VAD Programs

Free workshops on Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) programs will be held in February and March across North Carolina. There are now over 84 of these programs in North Carolina.

*February 4 - Plymouth, N.C. - Vernon G. James Research and Extension Center (Northeast)

*February 18 - Mount Olive, N.C. - Lois G. Britt Agribusiness Center, Mount Olive College (Southeast)

*February 25 - Elon, N.C. - Elon University (Piedmont)

*March 6 - Newton, N.C. - Catawba County Agricultural Resources Center (Foothills/Western Piedmont)

*March 22 - Franklin, N.C. - Cowee Elementary School (West)

These workshops are for board members, program staff, including cooperative extension and soil and water conservation district employees, planners, municipal/county managers, farmers, citizens -- and those local governments considering adopting or amending a VAD or Enhanced VAD program ordinance.

Registration is now open: .

Topics to be covered will include:
*Overview of voluntary agricultural district programs and farmland protection planning
*Incentives for program participation
*Considerations for program success
*Overview of regional initiatives pertaining to farm operation and protection -- and economic development
*Program signage on right-of-ways and private property
*Farmland impact assessment for transportation planning
*Food Safety Modernization Act, estate planning and taxes, farm labor
*And other topics...

Registration and workshop information is available here:

 There is no fee for this workshop.