Who Grows Your Food?
July 31st
6-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Lara Worden
Location: Citizens Resource Ctr., Dallas
Registration Info: 704.922.2112
Registration Deadline: July 24th - register before July 24th
This session will introduce you to the bounty of locally-grown foods throughout the Foothills area. Learn more about our food system and the benefits of local food. (Registration fee includes a meal.)
Cooking with Seasonal Foods
Dates below
6-8 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Linda Minges
Location: Lucille Tatum Center, 959 Osceola St., Gastonia, NC
Registration Info: 704.865.3291
Registration Deadline: 5 businessdays prior to each session
This hands-on cooking series teaches how to prepare simple and healthy dishes featuring locally-grown foods. Choose from the following sessions:
- July 17th - Eggplant, berries, summer squash & okra
- August 20th - Local chicken, tomatoes, green beans, cantaloupe & peaches
- September 17th - Apples, field peas, onions & spaghetti squash
- October 15th - Local pork, acorn squash, carrots, kale & pears
- November 19th - Local beef, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mustard greens & pumpkin
September 11th - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or September 12th - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Linda Minges
Location: Lucille Tatum Center, 959 Osceola St., Gastonia, NC
Registration Info: 704.865.3291 - Register before September 4th
Learn how to safely can fruit butters in this hands-on apple butter class.
Pressure Canning 101
July 24th
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Linda Minges
Location: Lucille Tatum Center, 959 Osceola St., Gastonia, NC
Registration Info: 704.865.3291 - Register before July 17th
Learn to safely can vegetables in this hands-on pressure canning class.
Planting a Fall Garden
August 13th
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Julie Flowers
Location: Citizens Resource Center, Dallas
Registration Info: 704.922.2112
Registration Deadline: Augsut 6th
Come learn the finer points of cool season vegetable gardening. Fall provides optimal conditions for growing a plethora of tasty treats! (Registration fee includes a meal.)
You Can Can Salsa!
August 14th - 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or August 28th - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Linda Minges
Location: Lucille Tatum Center, 959 Osceola St., Gastonia, NC
Registration Info: 704.865.3291- Register before August 8th
Learn to safely can fresh tomato salsa with this hands-on canning class.
Raising Backyard Chickens
August 14th
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $10
Instructor: Lara Worden
Location: Citizens Resource Center, Dallas
Registration Info: 704.922.2112 - Register before August 8th
Learn the basics of raising chickens: breeds; where to buy hatchlings and hens; requirements for housing, feeding and lights; and regulations for selling eggs from home. (registration fee includes a meal.)