Friday, April 23, 2010

Poultry Production Workshop Opportunity

Buncombe County Cooperative Extension is hosting a Poultry Production Workshop on May 10th. This workshop is very similar to the workshop held at the Gaston Extension office in January 2009. So if you missed our workshop and are interested in incorporating poultry into your farm operation, check out the details below.

Also, I have had some discussions with a few people about holding a 'Hands-on Poultry Processing' workshop at a nearby operating poultry farm. I know this is a busy time of year for most people, but if you are interested, please let me know a time of year, and time of day (assuming it works with the poultry processing schedule) that would work best for you and if there is enough interest, we will definitely pursue this!

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Introduces Poultry Production Workshop

The Poultry Production Workshop will take place on May 10, 2010 at the Mountain Horticulture Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, NC. The cost for the full-day workshop is $25 per person and includes lunch and resource materials. The workshop will be packed with experts from across the country, including Jim Adkins from the International Center for Poultry and Extension Research Specialists from NC State University.
Topics to be addressed include: Introduction to Raising Poultry on a Small Farm; Understanding Commercial, Standard Breed (heritage), and Dual Purpose Breeds of Poultry; Brooding your Baby Chicks; Biosecurity and Small Flock Health; Poultry Housing and Necessities; Marketing, Processing and Integrating with other On-farm Enterprises

The Poultry Production Workshop is FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. If you are thinking of incorporating poultry into your farm operation or looking to expand and improve your poultry business, then this workshop is for you. Come spend the day with us and learn all you need to know.

For more information contact Erin Bonito with the Buncombe County Cooperative Extension at (828)255-5522. Learn more at

1 comment:

  1. Do you have the bean and sweet potato soup recipe that was served at the conference? It was great!
